Another Score!!
I was out at the local shop earlier tonight arranging an FFL to send my Israeli k98 to. While he was taking care of another customer, I looked around and found (among others) a Gew98. Bubba had taken...
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Ok, now that it is home, here is some more details (no pics yet cuz I hadda work late). It seams to be made of six different distinct rifles. First the receiver is a Deutche Waffen und...
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The more I study this rife the more I'm thinking this wasn't a re-arsenal. First there are no waffens on anything other than the barrel and sights. The bolt does look to be a German bend, but no...
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Sounds Like it spent some time in Israel. They prodced a lot of mix master Mauser from rifles that were damaged or had worn parts. They needed rifles stat in 1947-8. The finishe product was in rough...
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There seems to be some high interest in the Israeli K98's. This one looks like the bolt knuckle serial number has been ground off. That is all too common on these rifles. I have only a couple that...
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